Amusements in art
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KARIKATUR.– PHAGAN, Patricia: Thomas Rowlandson. Pleasures and pursuits in Georgian England. Accompanies the exhibition on display at the Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., from January 14 to March 13, 2011, and at the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., from April 8 to June 12, 2011. London (Giles), 2011. 4°. 184 S. mit zahlr. zumeist farb. Illustrationen. OPb mit OUmschl. tadellos.
EA. Schlagwörter: Alltag, Brauchtum, Amusements, Amusements in art, Geschichte, Karikatur, Manners and customs in art |
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